Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Four better or four worse.

I have come up with a research question, and it's been a surprisingly not-horrible experience! I consider this a major success, since I came into the program fairly hesitant toward research (thanks to my awesome science background). Anyway, here it goes:

Research Question
What types of motivational techniques do teachers use in the classroom, and how do students react to these techniques?

Not bad, eh? My sample would be local high school classes. For methods, I'm going to go with strict observation with some coding on the side. The analysis will likely be time consuming, but so it goes with qualitative studies. Thanks for all the feedback; it helped a ton.

1 comment:

Katie Gulledge said...

Hi Sean!
Greetings from DC! I hope this first summer session has been going well for you. I am looking forward to joining you guys for session two.
I have not been following your blog closely but I had a chance to look at your research question today. I love your idea about motivational techniques. I think this would such a valuable study especially for someone who is about to start their career in teaching. Not only would this be a wonderful research topic but it would also allow you to evaluate different teaching styles (which is beneficial for any teacher). It will be interesting to see the different techniques that teachers use to help motivate students while also studying students. I think it is great that you are adding the “student reaction” part to your study. Are you planning on interviewing the students or just do observation? It would be great to get some direct student feedback about the teaching styles (as I have learned kids will def. be honest…haha) I assume that this study will be done in different English classrooms (I think this is your field). Will you be comparing different grade levels? I look forward to hearing about your project in person soon!