Thursday, June 26, 2008

Blog #4 at 4:30 am

I'm getting ready for my 6:30am flight out to DC and remembered that I had one final piece of business to take care of before I could bid summer 1 classes farewell:

Research Question:

How do high school social studies teachers integrate current events into their classrooms?

(and more specifically...)

a. How often do social studies teachers incorporate current events into their classrooms?

b. At what point during the instructional period are teachers most likely to incorporate current events?

c. What sources or teaching materials do teachers use or encourage their students to use to access current event information?

d. Do, and if so, how, do teachers assess their students’ knowledge and comprehension of current events?

Subjects in this study will be six to eight high school social studies teachers in the Forsyth County school district. Two to three teachers will represent each of the three primary social studies content classes: world history, civics, and US history. I will collect my data using three qualitative measures: collecting teacher logs recording their use of current events, teacher interviews, and in-class observations.

I'm pretty excited with this topic, so I would have to come across something super fascinating to change it for the fall. And now that I have said that, that's probably what will happen. Well folks, this is Biser signing off. See you in July!

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