Tuesday, June 24, 2008

FINAL FOUR ... hoping to make it to the 'ship

    1. RESEARCH QUESTION: How do Algebra I teachers effectively make use of calculators to present content
      How has the EOC tests changed these teachers use of calculators in the class?
      What is the effect of this calculator use on student achievement on EOC tests?

Subjects will be all Algebra I teachers and those teachers will be broken down into 6 for interviewing puposes.

MEASURES/ PROCEDURES All Algebra I teachers will be surveyed to see how they generally apply calculators in the classroom. Questions will first include background information about teachers’ experience with calculators, years teaching, any previous training, and types of calculators used in the classroom. Then questions will break into how and when teachers use calculators in classroom instruction and differing topics of the class. Then follow-up interviews will be used on 6 teachers in 3 specific high schools will be used. High schools will purposively be selected to represent different SES, ethnic and racial make ups of schools. Interviewees will be separated as 1 male and 1 female teacher when possible at each school. Questions for the interviews will be based on responses to the survey as a means of following up survey data and adding additional explanation to general trends from the survey. Interviews will be recorded and later transcribed, where interviewees will have the opportunity to clarify any statements.

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