Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blog 4

Research Question:
Why do secondary English Literature students fail to complete homework assignments?

Questionnaires will be distributed to students in four English Literature classes. Participants will give brief written responses to questions including,
"How often do you complete all of your homework for this class?"
"Do you have about the same amount of homework every night?"
"How many hours per school day do you generally spend on assignments for this class?"
"In how many extracurricular activities do you participate?"
"What are some of the reasons why you don't finish your homework?"
"Imagine that you are having one of those days when you will not finish your homework for this class. Describe your thoughts as you decide not to do your English homework? (What are your feelings? Are you pleased, discouraged, resentful, guilty, justified? What are the reasons you give yourself for not finishing your homework?"
"What could your English teacher do to ensure that you do your homework?"

In order to ascertain the reasonableness of student responses, I will ask the teachers of these classes if I can record their homework assignments.

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